In sales the term USP Unique Selling Point is commonly used.
This is such a beautiful term that we
choose to apply it to ourselves. Why?
Let me explain it. There is a difference between 'YOU' & 'ME' which is visible to everyone.
This difference is because of our situational, social and cultural factors. This difference makes YOU unique, which is why it becomes your USP.
It is very important for you to know your uniqueness. Unless you know it, you cannot use it.
Your USP is going to be your Most Valuable Feature to sell yourself. Don't worry we all are selling ourselves at some point or the other. For example in child hood to our elders, in school to our peers/teachers, at jobs to our managers/boss and etc.
We sell ourselves by playing with our USP.
And this is a FACT. You reading this have one very unique feature which that some people
around you do not have. Of course it is not a superpower, however it can be used as one of your potential for your great life.
How is it possible?
You give this test; this will tell you about your uniqueness.
This uniqueness, we will explain it to you and take you through
multiple options of what you want to study.
Then we will
share how that study will help you have a job in field exactly where you want. Further, you keep moving ahead
making a successful career in it. This awareness of your unique
feature will open all the doors ahead in your life as a student
and professional personnel.